Monday, March 29, 2010

Numero Uno

So welcome to my blog. I decided to enter the blogosphere because, well, why not?

With the relative inability to make blogs on Myspace, Facebook and Twitter -- at least with universal posting -- i decided to find something that will allow me to post things and to link myself to my social sites. Sooo, when I post I will let you know via Twitter, Facebook and Myspace so you can come read what's going on.

What will be going here, you ask?

I'm a musician, husband-to-be, political commentarian, sports analyst, amateur philosopher, etc....

You know, the common American coffee shop gabber type. The type who might have a lot to say at times, and maybe not a whole lot at other times. I could probably ramble about anything. So, that is probably what will appear here most often. Just thoughts on things that I care about. I will try to tag them so they can get out there, but who will really read? That remains to be seen. Which is just fine. ;-)

So here goes.

First thing is finding a better title for this thing...

P.S. The links below are for your use to link my post to anything you might use. Let me know if there is another button you need.

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